Friday 17 May 2013

Flash Fiction / One Day Brief

This was the 50 word story I received.

Two Days Left

The sun set, turning the lowest clouds a marvellous pink and orange tinge.
The sea lapped the shore lazily, bubbling over the sand and shells. Seagulls cried in the distance, and a breeze pulled at my loose shirt. I loved it here, so tranquil.
Christmas-eve on a Thai beach. Peaceful.

Image One and Two 

Two photographs of blue and green inks in boiling water to represent the following section of the story:

"The sea lapped the shore lazily, bubbling over the sand and shells."

Image Three 

A photograph of birds made from a mixture of white paper and fairly opaque tracing paper, against a vibrant blue card background. Represents the following section of the story: 

"Seagulls cried in the distance".

Image Four 

A photograph of an email on a computer screen, containing an image attachment of a thai beach and the following message:  

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! It's beautiful here. 

See you in two days time, 

Lots of Love, 

Sarah xxx

This represents the title and the following section of the story: 

"I loved it here, so tranquil. 
Christmas-eve on a Thai beach. Peaceful."


I occasionally find it quite difficult to come up with a concept in a short space of time. Therefore, the prospect of a one day brief was somewhat daunting. Fortunately, I found this brief and the time restraint quite easy to cope with given the amount of direction the flash fiction story provides.  

It was obvious to me, from the outset, that I would have to be resourceful due to the content and type of imagery evoked. In hindsight i'm fairly pleased with how enterprising I was during the task, however I think the technical qualities of my photographs suffered somewhat as a result of this. 

In this particular instance, time management was crucial. For this reason, I started by writing up an hour by hour plan for the day ahead. The plan included the time allocated for both planning and execution and played a major role in the successful completion of this brief. However, from this I've learnt that certain things take longer than I originally thought. In future, I will take this into consideration when putting my schedule together and factor in time for mistakes. 

In retrospect, I'm reasonably pleased with  my outcome. All four images would benefit from further refinement. However, whether or not that's an achievable aspiration given the time scale, i'm not certain. I feel I've answered the brief successfully, in that my four photographs cover the majority of images conjured by the flash fiction story. Similar projects in the future would benefit from me laying focus on the technical and aesthetic aspects of the images instead of the means of representation alone. 

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