Saturday 29 December 2012

Penguin Classics: Great Loves

The Penguin Great Loves series is a collection of writings on love in its infinite variety. All 20 books are 181mm x 111mm in size featuring cover designs by David Pearson (3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 15, 18), Victoria Sawdon (1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20) and Claire Scully (19). 

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Taylors of Harrogate Coffee Competition

The brief was as follows: 

These are the 5 images I chose to submit. 

This landscape was based on the illustration by Simon Pemberton on the Taylors Fairtrade Organic coffee packaging. Unfortuntley a few days prior to submission Taylors changed the illustration.

My entry wasn't accepted as one of the final 10 and so I have decided to write a brief evaluation. The "home" was quite an important aspect of the brief and I don't feel my images reflect that, leaving the category entitled "a still life of coffee being prepared or enjoyed in the home" unfulfilled. In future I would benefit from referring to the brief more frequently than I did in this instance so as to avoid straying from it. All in all it has been a valuable learning experience and a wonderful opportunity and i'm glad I entered. 

Thursday 13 December 2012

Imagine...The Many Lives of William Klein

Imagine...The Many Lives of William Klein is a documentary about the 84 year-old American photographer as he prepares for a retrospective exhibition of his work at Tate Modern. The documentary follows Klein as he revisits area's of New York heavily featured in his photographic and cinematic work from the 50s. It presents itself as a personal and often abrupt biographical film with an abundance of dry humour. Klein's gritty and innovative approach to urban documentation, his ability to identify with those particular subjects and his multidisciplinary work across film and fashion are all covered by the documentary. With the help of Alan Yentob, Imagine...The Many Lives of William Klein investigates Klein's relationship to Paris and New York and takes a decidedly blunt, direct approach to both photography and life. 

Broadway by Light - William Klein

Sunday 2 December 2012

Kim Høltermand

Architectural work by Danish photographer Kim Høltermand. 

Saturday 24 November 2012

Nowhere's Safe - Samuel Bollendorff

Nowhere's safe is a web-documentary that illustrates/tells the varying stories of men and women living in poor conditions in France.